XV Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV)

18 Sep 2018 to 21 Sep 2018

The XV Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV) will take place from 18 to 21 September 2018 at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Fourteen Scientific Societies (AAI , ABCD, AGI, SIB, SIBBM, SIBESIBV, SICA, SIF, SIGA, SIMAG, SIMGBM, SIP MET, SIPaV), with a total of more than 7,000 researchers, are active members the FISV.

For this edition topics will range from biological clocks to the emergence of archaic and modern humans, epigenetic reprogramming to mechanisms at the basis of inflammation of disease, oxidative stress in health and disease to genetic engineering in plants. A round table will take place on some of the most current aspects and societal implications of the Life Sciences.

For the latest version of the Programme click here.